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Sep 29, 20104 min read
Alliance for Healthy Housing working for affordable healthy housing for all.
Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Proper ventilation helps improve indoor air quality. Ventilation can control indoor humidity and...
Sep 29, 20103 min read
Alliance for Healthy Housing
About Health and Housing A century ago, advances in housing — everything from indoor plumbing to vented combustion appliances — were...
Sep 29, 20101 min read
Alliance for Healthy Homes and National Center for Healthy Housing Announce Merger
On January 20, the Alliance for Healthy Homes and the National Center for Healthy Housing announced a merger between the two...
Sep 28, 20101 min read
How can I control the humidity in my home during the summer?
Humidity has an important effect on comfort during the summer. Some weather forecasters in the summer talk about the comfort index, which...
Sep 28, 20102 min read
How can I determine the level of moisture in my home?
Weather forecasters talk about the relative humidity outdoors. Likewise, the inside of your home has a relative humidity, which is a...
Sep 26, 20104 min read
5 tips to improving your home’s indoor air quality
When you’re stuck inside because it’s too hot to go outside, you’ll be grateful if the air in your home is clean and comfortable. As long...
Sep 26, 20103 min read
Teachers have a significant role maintaining good air quality in classrooms. Below are a few tips for teachers that if followed can...
Sep 26, 20105 min read
Don’t be overwhelmed by indoor air pollution—here’s 9 quick tips that can make a profoun
The old cliché “what you don’t know can’t hurt you” has been proven true many times, but never so poignantly as it is when applied to...
Sep 26, 20103 min read
How can I prevent mold from growing in my home?
While mold spores are all around us, mold growth can be prevented. As mentioned earlier, mold growing in your home requires MOISTURE,...
Sep 22, 20104 min read
How to reduce household allergens
Reducing indoor allergens is simpler and cheaper than you think! Sneeze, cough, blow your noise, sneeze, cough, and blow your nose… Does...
Sep 22, 20102 min read
If my home has not had a flood or other serious water problem, does that mean it is unlikely to have
Many sources can add moisture to the air in your home. When you go outside on a cold day and can see your breath, you really are seeing...
Sep 22, 20102 min read
Are there risks associated with having mold in a home?
The growth of any type of mold in a home is never acceptable. Your safest and most prudent course of action is to treat all molds with...
Sep 22, 20102 min read
How do I know if my home has a mold problem?
If mold is growing in your home, you most likely will be able to smell it. Have you ever walked into a room that has a musty or earthy...
Sep 22, 20101 min read
Is it possible to have a home tested for mold?
Yes, but health agencies and experts do not recommend testing houses as a first line of detection and prevention. Mold testing can be...
Sep 22, 20103 min read
Creating a Mold Resistant Home
Mold can grow anywhere in your home. We’ve got tips for how to keep it at bay. There is no such thing as a mold-proof home. Mold spores...
Sep 22, 20101 min read
CDC, EPA, HUD Officials to Join IAQA 14th Annual Meeting
Representatives from leading government agencies addressing indoor environmental quality, including CDC, EPA and HUD, will help kick-off...
Aug 28, 20102 min read
Florida Releases Energy Star Residential HVAC Rebate Form
Florida Releases Energy Star Residential HVAC Rebate Form Encourages Florida residents to upgrade to energy-efficient air conditioning...
Aug 28, 20101 min read
IAQA Partners with HUD for 2011 National Healthy Homes Conference
The 2011 National Healthy Homes Conference is a federally-sponsored event bringing together a wide range of sectors to better coordinate...
Aug 21, 20101 min read
Florida Chooses ACAC Mold Remediator License Examinations
Chapter 468, Part XVI, Florida Statutes, provides for licensure and regulation of mold remediators. The law became effective July 1,...
Aug 21, 20102 min read
What is a Certified Microbial Remediation Supervisor CMRS?
The ACAC CMRS is your first step in becoming Licenced as a Mold Remediator in Florida by Grandfathering. A Council-certified Microbial...
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