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Writer's pictureCorey Provencal

M.A.R.C. Update to HB 5007

M.A.R.C. Contributors and Florida Mold Professionals

As you know the Budget committee refused the House mold language in HB 5007 and sent it up the ladder to the committee chairs.

This weekend the Budget Committee Chairs have decided to send the HB 5007 Mold Amendment forward as it stands to the Committee Presiding Officers and then to the floor for a vote.

We need to now focus on sending emails and phone calls to the presiding officers.  The message remains the same.

M.A.R.C. is still in need of your support both financially and through your emails.  If you are not currently listed on the M.A.R.C. website as a supporter please go to the M.A.R.C. website and fill out a contribution pledge to STOP the amendment of the Current Mold Licensing Law.

Please send this email out and ask all of your peers to do the same.

The email subject should be “No to HB 5007” 

Dear Senator/Representitive

As the session continues I am writing to you with my concerns regarding HB 5007.

Please DO NOT Amend the Current Mold Licensing Law.  Training in water, mold, and respiratory protection are crucial to the safe and correct assessment and remediation of mold. The necessary training is in accordance with ANSI and OSHA.

American National Standard Institute Approved S500 – Standard and Reference Guide for Professional Water Damage Restoration

American National Standard Institute Approved S520 – Standard and Reference Guide for Mold Remediation

Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA’s Respiratory Protection Standard (29 CFR 1910.134 and 29 CFR 1926.103) OSHA is the main federal agency charged with the enforcement of safety and health legislation

Please oppose this bill.

Thank you.

Budget Committee

John P. Lapotaire, CIEC •  Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant •  Microshield Environmental Services, LLC

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